Thinking it through making this a monthly blog may have not been such a good idea as i end up with such a lot to write in one go or i just forget everything that's happened!
We spent last weekend up in Nottingham with my parents which was really lovely. My mum has made a 'still need to visit' list to do before they move on (my dad's a minister and so moves churches after so many years) and it's rather long. So we got started on it by visiting some amazing gardens...
wow!...but also spent a lot of time in Ikea for our sins - for the first time in my life storage is more important than character (i wish i could have written that in tinsy wincy text as i'm wincing while i'm typing it but we now have 2 sets of toys - pink ones and blue ones to store which is a logistical nightmare! But we are a little closer to 'being organised' in the kids section of the house it's just everywhere else now - and to be honest i absolutely love Ikea for fabric and their soft furnishings and beds are.... Ahhh ok, i'll stop right there!
So over the next few weeks we are trying to move the bedrooms around whilst Eliza is still in with us as we have three bedrooms Joe's in the box room - soon to be Elizas, he's going into our room and we're going up into the loft! I've just sent off for the first paint samples so i'll keep you posted on that. I am very much looking forward to be finally decorating a girly nursery sooooooo excited! Also the sock friends marathon begins for the run up to christmas, so don't forget to check their blog for some new members very soon!