Sunday, 10 January 2010

So, this week has not been a good week for pregnant ladies wanting to walk anywhere, don't get me wrong i love snow but if you have seen me or others 'in my condition' trying to walk on ice you may have mistaken us for overlarge penguins, i have already forgiven anyone who has laughed at me as it is just the kind of thing that i'd find hysterical if it weren't happening to me! Saying all that i have managed to stay upright and that's with a 2 year old hanging off my arm giggling his socks off at not be able to stand up "oooo all slippy mummy"! Joseph has had an absolutely wonderful time playing outside, i had forgotten what it was like when snow was so much fun you didn't feel the cold, and making snowmen till your hands were completely numb was just part of the joy. He just doesn't seem to feel the pain i do and he would have stayed out all night if i'd let him. We live in one of those roads that gets no sun as it never rises high enough to get over the houses so really we now just live on a solid block of ice...oh yes 4x4 drivers don't stand a chance on our street but the main problem is Joe still thinks it's lovely fluffy white snow everywhere and it's hard explaining to a toddler that mummy will fall over if she goes outside and then having to convince him that this wouldn't be funny no matter how much he thinks it would be! I was slightly embarrassed as a mother this week as we didn't have any fresh carrots to use as a nose...Joseph was appaulled but he did agree to using one of his plastic one's thankfully given by Nana Jane for Christmas this year!

Anyway we did our first Tesco shop of the year on Saturday, we've just finished off all the christmas food and thought we could do with restocking the fridge especially as one of my many New Years resolutions was to make more meals from scratch (along with changing the toilet roll), so it was bye bye Uncle Ben and hello curry powder and coriander! But when we got to Tescos, we arrived to a chock-a-block carpark and the most crazy shoppers you can imagine, it was actually worse than Christmas Eve and we did not have a clue what was going on! I seriously thought we'd missed something on the news but we eventually found out from the bakery department (with no bread) that it was something called 'panic buying' because of the snow.

Everyone had rushed to Tesco to buy bread, carrots and mushrooms from what we could see. Aren't you suppose to buy tins and canned food in a crisis not croissants!!! So because of this 'panic' buying i could not make mushroom risotto, Joseph's snowman still has a plastic carrot nose, and we're having to eat that sliced bread from the back of the freezer and is only good for toasting. Plus i forgot to change the toilet roll today so New Years resolutions not going too well!

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