Sunday, 20 September 2009

Hello there,

Hope everyone's week has gone smoothly, it's actually been a very normal week for me and after the past month that's just how i want it! I realised that i didn't attach a picture of my buy from the car boot sale last week so i've just put it on at the bottom of my last post but could do with some help finding out how old it is - i've been told that it's a 'Gross Auditor' but to be honest i just love how it goes PING when you open the draw! You may wonder why i have invested in a cash register (Invested being the grand total of £4!!!) well, as most of my friends know it is a dream of mine to open a little shop selling handmade gifts and cards and maybe tea and cakes. So i thought having a till was a good start - PING!

I've just started making cupcakes which i'm really enjoying - i've never really been interested in baking especially as my husband is a bit of a whizz at it, but cupcakes have the added bonus of decorating them which i love doing - and of course you have to eat them afterwards or it would be a waste! There are so many different ways to make them look pretty and since finding the Humming Bird bakery in London it's really inspired me (check out the book) I'm even having an open house next weekend to sell some cards and so will be showing off my latest batch of cupcakes then and will let you know how they go down!


  1. what if i said there was a couple guna get married in july (24th) next year that want cupcakes for there pudding! would u be up for it?
    and it means u can come and see meeeee!

  2. yes the decoration is everthing isnt it ?
